Augmented Views Apps

Augmented Traffic Smart Watch 1.2
Check out the awesome Top 50 Producitiity App - AugmentedSmartWatch Pro app also for the Sony SmartWatch.Trial version @ is a LiveWare extension for SmartWatch.It will automatically show real-time traffic camera images based onyour current location of your Sony SmartWatch.Prerequisites to using:Android smart phone;Sony SmartWatchSony LiveWare app running on AndroidAugmentedTrafficSmartWatch 1.0 or later from marketAugmentedTrafficViews 3.7 or later from market - note it ispossible to run without this app, but it would only be for alimited set of images or if you wish you can customize the imagesto display with your own (e.g. home security monitoring)Note traffic camera data is only relevant for selected areas inthe UK, US and Canada. Real estate data is for Canada.The app has three running modes:Mode 1) Preset mode - you can use Augmented Traffic Views toautomatically set the traffic camera presets (or, optionally youcan create your own alk8.txt file as described below to cyclethrough your own images - for example your home security cameras,etc).Mode 2) Closest mode - Uses current location to figure outclosest traffic camera images (requires Augmented Traffic Views tobe installed); I could allow for a second user-customized selectionof images instead as an option here - email me if you think ituseful (right now if you do NOT have Augmented Traffic Viewsinstalled then you will never get to this mode)Mode 3) Real-Estate mode - Uses current location (also requiredAugmented Traffic Views to be installed). I could easily changethis to a 3rd custom stream, if there is demand for this.User Commands:Swipe Up - ExitSwipe Down - Switch between modes (preset->closest->RealEstate)Swipe Right - Pause/Resume auto-scrolling - regardless ofmodeSwipe Left - if in real estate mode, will show more details onphone in browser, else will toggle auto-scrolling.Requires Version 3.7 of Augmented Traffic ViewsMenu -> more -> SmartWatch - Save Closestuse this command to save the current location for the preset mode(and the 10 cameras around your current location will be saved)Tip: I suggest you set the presets when you are driving awayfrom your current desired area of interest and to use smart modeenabled within the Augmented Traffic Views app. This will thenallow you to see automatically the traffic cameras that you alwayspass by when you drive home (or whatever the desired location youwant to preset to). This way you only see the cameras that youactually pass by (rather than all cameras around the location, thatyou may not pass by). This is one key benefit of enabling SmartMode (which is set enabled by default) within the Augmented TrafficViews app (not a widely known feature in the app).Customization:If you want to show your own images from the internet, youcan.The local file File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() +"/alk8.txt" can be used to store user generated images asfollows:each image has two lines:Line 1 - Name of image (or location) - shown at top of display onSony SmartWatchLine 2 - URL of imagerepeat the two lines for each image to display - app will read indata for a maximum of 20 images.Note: This application will not be shown on your phoneapplication screen. Access application settings via LiveWare™manager, where you can also enable or disable this application.LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatchPlease see for the latestinformation and updates (and sneak previews)See my other SmartWatch app that is effectively a genericnotification mechanism for the Sony SmartWatch (if you are willingto set up the triggers via something like Tasker)
Augmented SmartWatch Notify 2.3.1
Download the newer Trial Pro Version for SonySW2 & Pebble Smart Watch @ SmartWatch Notify is a LiveWare extension for the SonySmartWatch. It automatically shows real-time notification detailson the watch without requiring any manual intervention.*** Note this app is for advanced users only as it requiresAndroid Intents to drive it (such as from Tasker/3rd partyapps). *** Do not download if you are not familiar with Tasker orcan program a 3rd party app.You will need Augmented SmartWatch Pro version instead which doesnot require TaskerPrerequisites to using:Sony SmartWatch LiveWare app running on AndroidTasker (or equivalent)Some patience!There are two screens for each notification:The first screen is shown for 3 seconds (with an initialvibration to alert user to "glance" at their watch)The second screen is also shown for 3 seconds after the firstscreenAfter the second screen is shown then the watch display will beturned off.Touching the screen within these 6 seconds will disable theautomatic display turning of. Swiping up or the normal two fingertap will exit the app.The duration of each screen and the vibration can be configuredvia settings.1st Screen:Three lines showing the real time notification information and anassociated icon2nd Screen:Weather - temperature & locationWeather Icon image on top right side based on currentconditionsBattery remaining visual icon (top right side)One Line showing the time of the next upcoming meeting plus themeeting title (or No More Meetings if none scheduled)Weather - temperature and conditionsWeather Icon image on lower right side based on currentconditionsThe app can also be used in "widget" mode to see the lastnotification received via a manual tap.This app is triggered by Intents:com.alk.notify.action.addIt requires two parameters:sender:subject:Sender has special reserved parameters which would triggerspecial images (the default is for email):flighttrack - (for the android app flighttrack Pro)googlevoice - for Google Voice Notificationssms - for incoming text messages (put sms+number) - the "sms" atthe start will be stripped out before being displayedmusic - to automatically turn on the music player on the watch(useful if you have it integrated with a car-dock to bring up themusic player)weather - to automatically show the weather app (perhaps havethis triggered via tasker every hour)update weather - to be used to get weather information forcurrent location automatically - suggest you use trigger to issuethis intent every x hours (or whatever update cycle you need)Note the battery status on the phone connected to the SonySmartWatch is also shown with notificationsAugmented SmartWatch Pro is the paid upgrade for this app thatoffers many additional features and will be updated (includingsupport for MotoACTV/MetaWatch & Pebble). See for more.LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatchSee for the latestinformationSee to Augmented SmartWatch Pro for the following:2.4 or higher features to display notifications from any app (+ does not requireTasker)Additional options on how the watch display notificationsWifi/Cell SignalAbility to display additional notification that are not availableto Tasker via the normal %NTITLE - these are essentially thenotifications listed as supported for the MetaWatch (as theCommunity Edition has the same restrictions). These includeExchange, Google Now, Pandora, Skype Chat, What's App, Google PlayMusic, Executive Assistant/Touchdown and moreAbility to configure weather metric/imperialIntegration with Fitbit/WithingsMotoACTV&MetaWatch
Augmented Traffic Views 3.7.1
As seen on Fox and CBS TVNamed Top 10 T3 Travel App"coolest AR app we've seen yet""one of the most popular" USA Today100% hands-free operation as you drive.*** New Support for the Sony SmartWatch ***Support for Meta-Watch Digital Watch & now optimized for theGalaxy Note Portrait Mode.See up to ten Traffic Camera Views ahead of you in the predicteddirection of travel! *** Unique Feature ***See Real-time Traffic around you using Google MapsSupport for PhantomAlert POIsTry Landscape view to see two cameras at a time and to accessaddition views on higher res screens (swipe up/down).Optimized for the Galaxy Tab, Note and high-res screens- On high-res displays, there is unique support for portrait vslandscape orientations. You must start the app in the desiredorientation to see the unique customizations.- In landscape mode, you can swipe up (to switch to a map-onlyview) or you can swipe down to see all cameras in the look-aheadbuffer.- Galaxy TAB Portrait mode has a special custom view with 4 trafficcameras! *** Unique Feature ***Traffic cameras for over 60 cities across North America andLondon UK. In Canada, Ottawa/Toronto and Vancouver are supported.Your location is used to automatically load the closest trafficcameras. In Canada, the metric option is enabled automatically.Augmented Reality View of traffic cameras or real-estate(Canada) *** Unique Feature ***Location-based Real Estate as you drive across Canada. Seedetailed help.*** Unique Feature ***Smart mode learns as you drive to optimize the showing ofcameras in your learned routes *** Unique Feature ***In addition, the real-time traffic map will periodically andautomatically zoom out and pan in the predicted direction of yourtravel to show you more of the real-time traffic ahead of yourcurrent predicted travel!New in 3.4 - Speech Commands - Swipe Left to initiate - Say"what can I say" for help- In Toronto you can say "680 News" for exampleThe app is highly configurable (please see the detailed helpoption). However the default settings should allow you to be up andrunning immediately.see for many more details.Please consider emailing augmentedtraffic@gmail.comif you have any issues.Also please consider rating this app!*** Unique Feature *** Means that there is no other app on theAndroid market (or iPhone or other) that has this feature!
DineSafe/YorkSafe Toronto 1.5
*** Note please only download this app ifyouwill use it in Toronto/York Region ***Use this app to confirm if the restaurant (in the TorontoandYork Region) that you are about to eat in is safe!This is the only app in the world that supportslocation-awareDineSafe AND YorkSafe data in the GTA (i.e. this appsimply doesnot exist for the iPhone nor is there any other app thataggregatesdata from these two data sources).Did you know that a restaurant with a Green Health Card may havehada yellow or even red card just last week?This application uses historical DineSafe & YorkSafedatafrom OpenData Toronto and is fully location aware.York Region includes King, Newmarket, Richmond Hill,Aurora,Georgina, East Gwillimbury, Vaughan,Whitchurch-Stouffville,MarkhamSimply start the application and the 15 closest restaurantswillbe shown. The most severe historical rating for aDineSaferestaurant is shown immediately along side eachlisting.- Click on the listing to get detailedhistoricalDineSafe/YorkSafe Data- Augmented Reality View is provided to show off yourcoolAndroid phone to your friend- Search for specific names of restaurants in either theDineSafeor YorkSafe databasesThis app is based on the world famous "Augmented TrafficViews"platform which is also rebranded as PhantomAlert.DineSafe and YorkSafe data is updated for Dec 2011.Use this app and dine safely!YorkSafe data support is new starting from Version 1.1.0See for more informationRestaurant data based on Dinesafe@ - terms ofusage:
Augmented SmartWatch Pro 8.3.4
The Ultimate SmartWatch App for Wear - with Intelligent TTS - nowAI Enabled
Augmented Edge (Note) 1.9
*** Note if you use the Smart Cover with magnets, this apponlyworks with the smart cover in the open position (not in theclosedposition). It also works well without any smart cover orSmartCovers with no magnet. Supports showing music trackinformation onthe Note Edge Display. All other features requireAugmentedSmartWatch Pro 7.5.5 or later. Note you do not need asmartwatch touse this free app. Augmented Edge will work with onlythe GalaxyNote Edge. More Info @ Intent APIavailablealso for Tasker/3rd party developers ServiceIntentcom.alk.edge.action.add sender: subject: Example Tasker Taskhere: has additional options to control how the alertappears onthe Edge Display: Options are delimited by ## - e.g:TestSender##5000##1##1##1400##0##2##5 Options in order are: 5000-duration of how long to show the alert in ms 1 - indicates iftouse full brightness (0 is off) 1 - # of times to flashpre-alertflash - 0 is none 1 - Length (in ms) of one pre-alertflash 0 - Ifa High Priority Sender (0-no, 1-yes) 2 - Animation Type(0-none, 1-Sliding bar, 2 - Sliding square) 5 - Colour type, useRGB to prefixactual color instead Key features: Text is displayright side up(for when phone is flat) All alerts are shown as theyarrive inreal time Alerts are only shown if the phone display isoff Apicture of the sender of an alert is shown if found inyourcontacts - for any app enabled in Augmented to sendalertsAugmented SmartWatch Pro allows options (option to only showwhenplugged into a power source and the duration for how long analertis shown) Option to enable full brightness for alerts(additionaloption to automatically not do this during meetings)Option to showflashing colour bar for High Priority Senders. Colourfor each HighPriority Sender can be individually configured Optionfor apre-alert flashing colour bar (S6 Edge like). Can be disabled,# ofpulses, duration of pulse and colour can be configured.Willautomatically use colours for LEDs when flashing the pr-alertforapps that support this (like Touchdown) Two animation optionsforthe pre-alert flash is provided. Ability to set colour based onapptype (email, chat, Google Now/Calendar, Music, SMS)Fast-Flashoption for High Priority Alerts, SMS and Calendar AlertsSpecialoptions for those with smartwatches (optional) Do notdownload ifyour phone is not the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge This appshows themusic track info on the Note Edge Display and supports theAPIabove. Augmented SmartWatch Pro enables many morefeaturesincluding: Intelligent Quiet Time (for example there is anoptionto enable quiet time only if plugged into a power source andinyour preset quiet time range) High priority Senders canbespecified (and treated differently during quiet time)Optimizedalerts (especially for email - instead of seeing 2 newmessages,Augmented shows the actual sender and subject of the newemail)Support for hyper local weather alerts Support For Klout,Fitbitand Withings Cloud data alerts Trial version ofAugmentedSmartWatch Pro :